"I wish to assure all our clients and the society in general of our commitment to effectively offer quality and timely services", CEO, Sr. Dr. Joan Thathi

Who We Are
St Francis Community Hospital Kasarani is a level 5 teaching and referral Hospital was founded in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
St Francis Community Hospital Kasarani is a level 5 teaching and referral Hospital was founded in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi in order to give special attention to the poor and needy by attending to their spiritual, economic, human and intellectual needs.
Two decades later, the dispensary has grown from a small collection of rooms attending to antenatal mothers and vaccinating babies, to a level five teaching and referral hospital.
The facility has modern diagnostic facilities, operating theatres, a critical care unit, a renal unit, in-patient facilities and an outpatient unit catering to hundreds of patients daily. It boasts a nursing school and is now proudly an internship training centre for doctors.
Community Work
Medical Outreach; we offer free services during medical camps on a quarterly basis per year

CBHC; This program mainly deals with orphans and vulnerable children and HIV/AIDS positive patients.CSR in Kenya

The program has had several projects that support the patients in the support group so that they can get their Daily bread from there and at the same time get some income that will support their families.

From humble beginnings, from a dispensary, first registered in 1993 to provide outpatient services and antenatal care. Nine years ago, in January 2009, it acquired the status of a level three hospital and now level five hospital.

To provide Christ-centered evidence based, affordable and patient focussed specialized healthcare in the region through sustained targeted health systems development.

Love of Christ, Honesty and Integrity, Committed to Catholic Health Ethics, Efficiency and Effectiveness, Committed to Excellence.

First Lady commented the role played by the hospital in complementing ongoing government efforts towards the delivery of Universal Health Coverage (UHC)